Breast Augmentation in Dubai

Enhance Your Natural Beauty

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure in which breast implants are placed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. This procedure is suitable for women with naturally small breasts, asymmetrical breasts, or breasts that have lost volume due to aging, pregnancy, or weight loss. Different breast augmentation techniques include using saline or silicone implants, fat transfer, and hybrid procedures combining implants and fat transfer.
Breast augmentation can help boost a woman’s confidence and self-esteem. It can also help improve the balance and proportion of her figure, resulting in a more feminine and attractive silhouette. In addition, breast augmentation can restore breast volume lost due to aging or weight fluctuations and improve breast asymmetry for a more balanced appearance.

Best candidates

The best breast augmentation candidates are healthy women who are 18 years old at least. They should also have adequate breast tissue to accommodate the implant and be willing to follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing.


Recovery can vary from person to person, but most women can return to work and light activities within a week or two after the surgery. However, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks, and patients should wear a supportive bra or compression garment to help reduce swelling and promote healing.


 30-40 minutes


1-2 weeks

Anesthesia Used

 general anaesthetic

Hospital Stay

day surgery


a few days


2 months

Final Results

3-4 months


Can breast augmentation and breast lift be performed together?

Yes, breast augmentation and breast lift can be performed together in a procedure called augmentation mastopexy. This combination surgery can enhance breast size, shape, and position.

How is the breast augmentation procedure performed?

The breast augmentation procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made either in the crease under the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit, and the implant is inserted either under the breast tissue or under the chest muscle. The incisions are then closed with sutures or surgical tape.

Will breast augmentation affect my ability to breastfeed?

Breast augmentation should not affect your ability to breastfeed, but it is possible that it may reduce milk production or alter the appearance of the breasts during breastfeeding